I found this on the internet. Check out this info:
Events that foreshadow the types of impacts likely to become more frequent and widespread with continued warming.
Spreading disease
Earlier spring arrival
Plant and animal range shifts and population changes
Coral reef bleaching
Downpours, heavy snowfalls, and flooding
Droughts and fires
Ummmm, it looks like all of these signs are already here!
Tell me if you think this isn't happening. I've found more than enough proof.
So unless we all want to be blown away in another hurricane- or roasted, or drowned, or ravaged by disease-we'd better get a move on.
Go to www.maximumride.com and do your part to stop global warming, before it's too late.
I mean it.
flamin nora!!!(my catch phrase!)
omg i really didnt think things were that bad. i mean i recycle and every thing and do my part for the enviroment but now i will try and get my friends and family involved.
(another thing)Flamin nora!
u were up at 3:53 am this morning posting that? flamin nora :D
fly on!
p.s why hasnt any one been posting on fangs blog for ages? are u guys a bit busy at the mo or somet?
Um, I like helping the environment, but why do we all have to be all "global warming-y"? Sorry, but where I live, it's really cold...alot of the time. (Our seasons are "cold, colder, cold again, then thaw". :P) I just don't really get it, I guess...I mean, how can it NOT just be a cycle? It might be...
I kinda agree with me+lego=good on this one. It may just be a cycle.
;) The Mii Maker ;)
P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog!
i know global warming is a big problem and such but i just fail to see how these things show it. i mean global warming cause floods heatwaves, and other severe weathers as well as messing with seasons. that i know causes animals and plants to change there habits but it doesn't effect diease or reefs or there population those things are down to polution and other things and to be honest mii and lego, i don't get what you mean with its a cycle? could you be more specific? even if you believe that i don't think it should matter we still know polution is bad and polution is one of the cause of global warming, poluting the air with carbon dioxide and monoxide is bad for humans too, monoxide stop blood carring oxygen around the body, its found in cigerettes, if you live anywhere with cars etc you breath that stuff in, its not enough as one does but it'll build up especially in larger cities and then deforestation is a cause to but that also destroy animals enviroment, so ifs its real or not it doesn't matter the things that cause it are still bad and still need stopping thats the main point of the argument.
anyway, that was a bit long.
WHEN WILL ENOUGH BE ENOUGH!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!! I don't kno how your not getting my message!!!!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!! You need to tell everyoun you aren't Max and Nudge!!! Why do you keep inpersonsting them!!!!!! You must kno it's wrong by now!!! I kno you do it for the attention, ant that is just SHALLOW!!!! You need to get it in your head, before someone shoves it in there!!!!
Okay, to anonymous: The cycle may just be that they earth has done this before. There have been instances where there has been a small (no, teeny) hole in the ozone layer and then it's gone away. And I'm all with you about the whole "find better ways to fuel stuff" and environmentally friendly-ness is good, I'm just not on the global warming band wagon. And to ranting and raving person: chill, dude. How you know that they aren't Max and Nudge is beyond mii. But I do know that saying things calmly is usually a bit more effective than yelling. Just a little experience I've had... And to Max and Nudge: I would suggest proof, like something only the flock would know. Or pictures, either works. Well, ttyl!
;) The Mii Maker ;)
P.S. Have you listened to the audio book? If so, let us know what you think.
Wow.....You guys are SOO FAKE!!!
Unbelievable, why would you even make people think you are real??
I bet you can fly, GO FLY YOUR FRICKEN KITE!!
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