Tuesday, August 26, 2008


OK I have to admit, I'm surprised at the outcome so far!!!!!
BLACK is the favorite so far!!

Come on people vote PINK!!!! haha. that's what I voted. Though some of the other colours are pretty too! maybe I should add a rainbow.
Have you ever wondered if there IS an end to a rainbow? maybe it's a circle! that would drive me crazy walking around and around looking for the pot of gold! Also another thing. Why is it gold? I would prefer diamonds, or rubies or sapphires or something.

OK Max is yelling at me to be QUIET! I dunno why, I mean I'm TYPING not talking, but OK, I do sometimes hold a steady stream of chatter, and I admit it, I WAS chattering to Max just now, but I'm just letting her know what I'm typing, and telling her that we should get apple pie soon. YUM!

YIKES! that was close! I almost got beaned in the head by a pillow that Gazzy thew. OK that's payback time.

Don't forget!! VOTE PINK!!




Anonymous said...

yo nudge
im sorry but most people on the internet are emo like me so sorry to break it to u but its true

Spencer said...

Rainbows ARE circles. Half of them are covered up by the earth, so you just can't see it all.

So.. yeah!

Fly High!

Anonymous said...

hey new blog whoohoo!!!,