Monday, August 4, 2008

What Nudge Does.... all the time!

Now you all know what Nudge does when she has any extra time.
Not that we have a lot of extra time.... between saving the world, fighting for our lives, trying to stay away from those evil, creepy whitecoats!
But whenever she can, she's on the laptop. I do get a chance to blog though, and Fang does too. If I didn't, you wouldn't be reading this.
Although her talent with computers does come in handy sometimes. She can make it do anything she wants quicker than anyone else I know. Good way to get information.
Nudge wants to get on to watch some horse jumping, I guess they're showing some on the internet. She's pulling my arm, so I'd better get off before I start typing things that I don't mean too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo max,
does nudge really do that?if she does then im just like her cause im very good at the computer stuff
-live free and kick butt for me!!!